Saturday, July 7, 2007

2007#1 - Winter Training for Vancouver, BC

Decided to do something completely different to start 2007 - winter training with TNT, leading up to the May 7th BMO Montreal Vancouver Half Marathon. Naomi chose to "pass" on this one, and I decided not to do the fundraising, wanting to avoid too much challenge to the generosity of my friends. Do you know, it can be really cold out there on a bike trail in January, February and March. Even April is still a bit nippy on some days. The good news is my accumulation of cold weather gear from having been a Boy Scout leader came in very handy, and once you get moving quickly even 30 degree days don't feel so cold - except when the wind is whistling down the trail and you are going up that trail. Still, it's different to train in long john tops and bottoms, long running pants, long sleeved technical shirt, jacket, ear band, gloves and mittens than the summer outfit of shorts, a tee shirt and sweat band.

The cold weather does tend to limit your willingness to stand around at the end of the trail, but then again there always seems to be someplace we can go for coffee.

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