Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cancer Does Not Quit So Why Should We?

Cancer just never seems to quit. No matter how hard we try to many people are sick and dying because of this pervasive disease. The point of this message is to get your help in the battle. By supporting my participation in Team In Training you help advance the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society mission: "Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families." Your contribution is needed NOW to help in this battle.

You don't even have to leave your keyboard, just click on my TNT web site at http://pages.teamintraining.org/nca/nikesf12/tfarnam and make a generous contribution using the secure link. They'll send you an email receipt for your tax records. Or if you prefer, send a check to me at the mailing address below (payable to Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) and I'll make sure you get a receipt from LLS for the charitable contribution and it is credited toward my personal goal.

Now is important to me personally as I've made a commitment to raise $5000 this year and am late in meeting that goal. Had enough medical issues this year to give me all the excuses needed to become a full-fledged couch potato. Had problems with my knees last fall which made walking and climbing the stairs in our four story townhouse a challenge. Having been very active as a racewalker it seemed like a reasonable idea to try cycling as a lower-impact sport. My medical issues pale by comparison with what our friends with cancers face so are not enough of an excuse for me to not be out on the trails and getting some exercise. Being 67 is no excuse either cancer does not quit so neither should I.

Doing two TNT events this year: Metric Century (62.5  miles) cycle ride at the Seagull Century on October 6 with my bride Naomi Morales - nice way to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary! One week later it will be time for my 8th Nike Women's Marathon on October 14, while Naomi does her 9th outing at that event. In addition to those TNT events I'll do a shorter ride of 40 miles at Moab, Utah while Naomi does a Century - too many steep hills for my fresh knee for a Moab Century for me.

Oh yeah - those medical issues. Cycling seemed to be working fine as a new sport until April 7 - about 9 miles into a 56 mile training ride my right knee gave up and made me "limping Tom". End result - May 22 Dr. George C. Branche, III did arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus. After three weeks of intensive physical therapy at Jackson Clinic in Alexandria, I got permission to resume cycling. Now it's almost four months later and I'm back to racewalking as well. Slower on foot but will still finish that Nike Half after those bicycle rides.

My Honored Teammates are a list of survivors and unfortunately some who were less successful in their battle with blood cancers. The survivors for whom I ride & racewalk include Bob Raleigh and Caleb Schneck about whom I told you so much last year, a Noblesville High School classmate Gary Cox, and Jay Mershon of our cycle team who is so fast I only see him at the start or finish. We have lost victims like Joe Gleason, Bob Campbell, and too many others who succumbed but we can honor their memory by helping raise money to cure blood cancers.

Honor also goes to you for making donations to support LLS and fight cancer. We personally hope the blood cancer developments will lead to cures for other cancers like the pancreatic cancer which claimed my father and sister, my mother's only brother, as well as Naomi's mother and step-father. We ride and racewalk with TNT because LLS has done so well at helping find cures, but always remember our lost family members.

Please make a donation!  By supporting my participation in Team In Training you help Bob, Caleb and advance LLS's mission. You don't even have to leave your keyboard, just click on my TNT web site at
http://pages.teamintraining.org/nca/nikesf12/tfarnam and make your donation using the secure link. They'll send you an email receipt for your tax records. Or if you prefer, send a check to me at either of the mailing addresses below and I'll make sure you get a receipt from LLS for the charitable contribution.

Be sure to check my blog for progress reports. Thanks for your support!

Walking & Cycling Tom

ps: If your employer has a "matching gift" program, let me know and we'll work through the details with you, it's a great way to increase your help.

Checks payable to Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, mail to: Thomas C. Farnam, 703 Hawkins Way, Alexandria, VA 22314

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