Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Marine Corps Marathon 10K

October 25, 2009 was a "faith restored" sort of day - did the 10K at the Marine Corps Marathon in a Personal Record time. 1:25:04 may not seem fast if you are a runner, to this racewalker it felt good.

It also means I can consider last weekend's Nike as a small stumble in my progress. Now it's time to rest a bit, then prepare for a five day "World Class Racewalking Camp", in an effort to learn how to do this better. Having a t-shirt made up that reads like this:

Faster than I used to be
Slower than I want to be
Still trying

You Are
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Judy Clifford said...

Glad to see you're still out there walking, and making progress. I like the idea for the t-shirt. Senior Olympic trial here in Phoenix is tomorrow - you said I should do this someday! Hope all is well with you and Naomi!

Walking Tom said...

Thanks for the note - glad to hear you are still at it. As for the shirts, actually had them made up and have had a lot of fun with them. Will send you a photo. In the meantime you might enjoy the new blog post about our Marathon Cruise, which was a hoot.
