Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2009 Marathon des Deux-Rives Levis/Quebec Demi-Marathon Marche

OK, for those who (like me) don't speak a lot of French, that says "2009 Marathon of the Two Banks Levis/Quebec Walking Half Marathon". We went to Quebec City, Quebec, Canada for another racewalking event with our friend Alice Till on August 30, 2009. She won first place among walkers in her age group while Naomi and I were a bit slower but had a great time. Complete details can be viewed at http://www.sportstats.ca/display-results.php?lang=eng&racecode=45416

Quebec City is lovely, much like a French town. Gee, that's in fact what it is, the oldest French city on the North American continent. The good news is the people are all very polite, and actually encourage you to attempt using your high school French, and not making fun of how bad it is this many years later.

Really a neat weekend and fun race - worth considering if you want something a little different.


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