Sunday, August 12, 2007

2007 #7 - Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon

The good news is Naomi and I both finished, earning ourselves another "Big Honkin' Penguin Medal" as race organizer John "The Penguin" Bingham calls them. The less good news is that it was really humid (79% at the 6:30 am start) and by 8:00am (mile 6 or so) the sun was quite hot. So no personal records this weekend. I managed to finish in 3:10, which is an average of 14:30 per mile. Naomi was a bit slower, and courtesy precludes me publishing her time. Not great, but within reason, and as a sage "penguin runner" told me, just think how much more time you had to enjoy the course - which was quite beautiful along Lake Michigan.

The finish line was fun, as John Bingham was in the middle of the course just before the line greeting finishers by name. Having gotten to be friends with he and David Babner over the last three years, it was fun to be announced over the PA. Not sure but think we might be walking marathons at about the same pace John runs them. :-)

Overall we had a nice weekend in Chicago, going up on Friday afternoon, sort of "bumming around" that evening, then taking a tour put on by the Chicago Architectural Association on Saturday morning. (Following our coach's advice to not be on our feet all day Saturday it was a bus tour.) We saw lots of interesting buildings, including the Frank Lloyd Wright "Robie House" (it's being rehabbed, so that was a short tour) and learned neither of us cares for the Mies van der Rohe designs at the IIT campus. We have managed several nice little day trips like this, having gone to Taliesin West in Phoenix when doing the PF Chang R&R Marathon, the Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson, and so forth. Helps make our "race weekends" a little more educational and entertaining.

Naomi is still having some issues with sun poisoning due to a medication, so we sort of "holed up" for the afternoon in our hotel room, her reading and me working on the computer. It was interesting when we went out about 5:00 pm to walk up Michigan Avenue and see all the tired and hot folks while we felt quite refreshed. Headed for a "Great Performers of Illinois Festival" at Millenium Park, just north of the Chicago Art Institue on Michigan Avenue. (Interesting bit of trivia about Millenium Park - it was supposed to open in Y2K, but agreement among all parties could not be achieved in time, so it opened in 2004, still named Millenium Park.) The festival included several music stages, and a wine tasting (is there a theme to our events?) of Illinois wines. Yes, they actually make some wines which will not take the fillings out of your teeth, and much to her "California girl" surprise, Naomi found a couple she enjoyed. Being more fond of big reds than sweet whites, I was less impressed, but it was free and not a bad way to spend a few minutes.

Back down Michigan Ave. to a non-memorable pasta dinner, then early to bed to face the 4:00 am wake-up for the Marathon. Sleeping was a bit challenging with the salsa band playing across the street in the park, but we managed. Awoke to rain, lightning, just what we needed to bring up the humidity a few more points. The rain did bring the starting temperature down, but we paid the piper when the sun came up and the sky was clear.

Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend, now it's back to training for the Nike Marathon in October. Scheduled for 16 miles this Saturday (8/18) near DC with our TNT group, which is likely to be another test of my ability to stand the heat and humidity. Lose a few pounds and it might be easier, we'll see how the diet works.



Tammy said...

Great job! Sorry about the humidity and heat - that will pretty much kill chances for a PR any time. But you finished well despite it all.

I'm a fellow walker (a racewalker!) and I'm enjoying reading about all of your adventures, and appreciate your raising $ for the LLS, especially since my dad was recently diagnosed w/leukemia.

Walking Tom said...

Tammy and Steve - thanks for the encouraging words. Must admit to feeling better about the event today, but still am bothered by a recent apparent inability to take the heat/humidity.

More training!

Tammy - contact me off-line with your father's name if you'd be willing to let me put it on my TNT singlet - helps us remember those for whom we are doing the events.
